Executive PA, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Executive PA, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Mandy Carian
Mandy Carian
“I was introduced to Paradigm Shift through a work course and Rebecca’s presentation was the highlight of the day. I signed up for her Mentoring programme. Rebecca is simply brilliant – she is approachable inspiring practical and just a really really nice person. The programme was practically based and gave me a vast range of tools and strategies to get me headed in the right direction in both my professional and personal life. Return on Investment – one of the things that is difficult to committing to this programme is that the benefits are intangible. It’s hard to imagine what you will come away with. However the investment was worth every cent. The 3 shifts for me overall were that I gained a whole lot more confidence to make the changes in order to grow more. I still see Rebecca once a month in Wellington where we catch up for coffee – just love it.”
“I was introduced to Paradigm Shift through a work course and Rebecca’s presentation was the highlight of the day. I signed up for her Mentoring programme. Rebecca is simply brilliant – she is approachable inspiring practical and just a really really nice person. The programme was practically based and gave me a vast range of tools and strategies to get me headed in the right direction in both my professional and personal life. Return on Investment – one of the things that is difficult to committing to this programme is that the benefits are intangible. It’s hard to imagine what you will come away with. However the investment was worth every cent. The 3 shifts for me overall were that I gained a whole lot more confidence to make the changes in order to grow more. I still see Rebecca once a month in Wellington where we catch up for coffee – just love it.”